Monday, November 24, 2008

My Drive to Work Today

I was on my way to work this morning, and as I exited the Sunset highway and got to the first stop light, my eyes were drawn to two crowds. The one (ironically) on the left were holding signs that said things like "God Hates Fags", "Obama is the Anti-Christ", "AIDS is God's Curse on FAGS" and other hateful anti-gay things. I couldn't help but feel my blood boil and was tempted to roll down my window and flip them off as I drove by. I restrained myself so I wouldn't lower myself to the level of these clearly disturbed people. Apparently these "fag haters" were members of the Westboro Baptist Church, who were marching on the Portland State campus in protest of the existence of the PSU's Queer Resource Center.

My heart was lifted when I saw on the opposite side of the street, about 8 times more people protesting the Westboro Baptist Church. How can these people claim to be Christian and have such hate and contempt for other people? What truly sad, sick people.

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