Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Experience with "A New Earth"

"A New Earth" was the catalyst of the internal transformation that started in me last winter. Since reading it and viewing the author's chapter discussions with Oprah on once a week for 10 weeks - I've learned to look at myself and the world in a completely different way. I've slowly and steadily learned to enjoy the moment I am in.

I used to worry about my past mistakes and what the future would hold... my mind would race constantly... I couldn't sleep, I worried about my family, my bills, was I good enough for anyone? I felt seperated from my friends and lonely, low self esteem, anxiety and depression overwhelmed me...

Through reading A New Earth, implementing a consistent diet, working out at lunch each weekday, meditation, and the support of a loving partner... I've learned to love myself and live in the moment I'm in. If I always worry about the past of future, I'll never enjoy the moment I'm living in... I highly recommend "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle

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